Lapwing Photo credit: Andy Karran
Keep the Gwent Levels Wild!
Ar gyfer y fersiwn Cymraeg o'r ymgyrch hwn, cliciwch yma
This special landscape is at risk from many different development proposals, as well as the impacts of climate change.
For decades, Gwent Wildlife Trust has been working to restore, enhance and protect this important landscape for wildlife and people.
The Gwent Levels need us all now.
The Welsh Parliament recognises the critical state of nature; the Senedd being one of the first parliments in the world to declare a nature emergency in 2021.
Incredibly, despite being protected in law the Gwent Levels is being put under immense pressure from developers. Multiple planning applications to develop this important wild area have been made in recent years - and this needs to stop.
Not long ago the Welsh Parliament declared the Gwent Levels "an ancient landscape with a special cultural significance" which is "important for biodiversity, recreation, flood alleviation, carbon storage and food production".
We are calling on them to take a clear stand and defend this site. The Gwent Levels must stay wild!
The Gwent Levels are home to an incredible diversity of wildlife, from rare aquatic invertebrates (watery bugs) to a wide variety of birds particularly waders (think long legs, long beak) and waterfowl (like ducks and geese).
Several different creatures that are protected under UK and European law also call the Gwent Levels home. These include dormice, grass snake, otter, great crested newt, a number of bat species and the water vole; extinct on the Gwent Levels until recently thanks to a reintroduction programme.
Signing this e-actions means that, while being fully aware of the threats posed by the Climate and Nature Emergencies, you call on the Minister and the Senedd to take measures to halt significant new development on the Gwent Levels.
If you'd like to read more about the campaign, please click here.