Tell your candidates that nature matters

Help create half a million voices for nature!

A General Election in the UK has been called for Thursday 4th July. All political parties have now chosen who will stand as a Prospective Parliamentary Candidate (candidate for short) in your constituency (the area where you live). If elected, they will become your Member of Parliament (MP) and will be responsible for championing the matters that affect you.

The Wildlife Trusts are asking the question: Nature, who cares? We know that you do and your candidates need to know this. They also need to know that protecting wildlife and the environment is a priority for at least 40% of people*. People plan to vote based on the environmental actions promised by a political party.

Tell your candidates why nature matters to you. By sending an email you will be telling them clearly that nature in your area is a priority for you. The more this message is sent, the stronger it will become until candidates in every corner of the UK know wildlife is at the top of our list. 

Your answers to the questions in the form will create a personal message to be sent to your candidates. Make sure you include why nature is important to you. 

*Great Big Nature Survey, The Wildlife Trusts